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Abstract Both behavioral receptivity and neural sensitivity to acoustic mate attraction signals vary across the reproductive cycle, particularly in seasonally breeding animals. Across a variety of taxa receptivity to signals increases, as does peripheral auditory sensitivity, as females transition from a non-breeding to breeding condition. We recently documented decreases in receptivity to acoustic mate attraction signals and circulating hormone levels, but an increase in peripheral auditory sensitivity to call-like stimuli following oviposition in Cope’s gray treefrogs (Hyla chrysoscelis). However, it is not known if changes in auditory sensitivity are confined to the frequency range of calls, or if they result from more generalized changes in the auditory periphery. Here, we used auditory brainstem responses (ABRs) to evaluate peripheral frequency sensitivity in female Cope’s gray treefrogs before and after oviposition. We found lower ABR thresholds, greater ABR amplitudes, and shorter ABR latencies following oviposition. Changes were most pronounced and consistent at lower frequencies associated with the amphibian papilla, but were also detectable at higher frequencies corresponding to the tuning of the basilar papilla. Furthermore, only ABR latencies were correlated with circulating steroid hormones (testosterone). Changes in peripheral processing may result from changes in metabolic function or sensorineural adaptation to chorus noise.